Matchbook AI

Tags and Groups Overview

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Using the concept of Matchbook Services “Tags”, records can be segmented into multiple groups, and group specific rules are defined for processing each group’s data. The number of groups is not limited, and any granular level grouping is allowed. Additionally, complete security and consistency is provided so that only users from the respective groups can view the processed records.

For example, imagine a scenario where an organization has 3 million records to be processed by three separate groups (LOBs). Additionally, the data must be divided into four distinct groups where unique rules and filters can be applied to create customized results and data sets visible only to those users from the respective groups. This can be configured within the Matchbook platform as follows:

Tag Types: #

In the Matchbook portal, tags can be categorized into the following:

  • Data Processing Tags – used to define segment and process rules
    • Source Tags
    • Monitoring Tags
    • Data Enrichment Tags
  • Security Tags – used to define security and consistency
    • Data Stewardship Tags
    • LOB Tags
    • Security Tags