Minimum Match Criteria Settings #
These settings allow the user to configure the minimum criteria to be returned from D&B. They allow maximum candidate needs to be considered in the response when a match is performed:
- Global Minimum Match Criteria
- Global Minimum Confidence Level – determines the minimum confidence level that will be returned from the API call to D&B. For example, if the user sets the value to 4, the Matchbook Portal will not return any match candidates that have a confidence below 4
- Maximum Candidates – determines the maximum number of matched candidates that will be returned
- Credential Name – for companies with multiple licenses, this allows user to choose which license to use for identity resolution
- Minimum Match Criteria Override Settings – Minimum Match Criteria Override settings override any Global Minimum Match Criteria settings for a specific tag defined in the settings. If multiple Minimum Match Criteria Override settings are defined with the same tag, the lowest confidence code selected is considered. For example, if there is a Global Minimum Match Criteria settings set to 4 as a global rule, but the Minimum Match Criteria Override settings is set to 6 for a given tag [SRC:XYZ], then whenever a record is imported with tag [SRC::XYZ] only candidates with a minimum confidence of 6 or higher will be returned in the response.
Exclusion for Cleanse Match API Settings #
Users can enable additional rules to exclude Non-Headquarters, Non-Marketable, Out of Business, Undeliverable or Unreachable businesses from the results:
These settings can be configured at a tag level. This configuration is optional.
If any settings are defined, then those settings are passed to the D&B Cleanse Match API call. This will automatically filter the match candidates that D&B passes back to the Matchbook Portal.
Auto Acceptance Settings #
These settings allow the user to create custom auto acceptance rules for accepting records while processing cleanse & match logic. These rules are applied as the final step of the Matchbook process for matching data. Typically, users will create additional auto acceptance rules as they go through the data steward process and begin to recognize patterns within their data. These settings can be configured at a tag level. This configuration is optional:
To create new rules, click the “Add” button to bring up the following screen:
Within this screen, enter the details and click the “Add” button to create this new rule in the system. The added rule(s) can be run immediately by clicking “Run Rules” or will run the next time the background process is executed. Management of the rules is also done in this same section:
Auto-Accept Directives Settings #
These settings allow the user to apply additional Auto-Accept rules which the user may want to consider for processing the records. These settings can be configured at a tag level. This configuration is optional: