Matchbook AI

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DnB – Core Concepts & Definitions

2 min read

It is important to understand the following concepts as they are key elements that will help the user better match their data.

DUNS Number #

DUNS (or D-U-N-S) stands for Data Universal Numbering System and is a unique 9-digit identifier for businesses — it is used to maintain information on 330M+ global businesses. Learn more about DUNS numbers here.

Match Grades #

Match Grades are 7 or 11-digit codes used to measure how alike or different the match elements (company name, address, city, etc.) are compared to the company data. There are four values that can be assigned to each component in a Match Grade:

A: content is the same

B: content is similar

F: content is different

Z: content is missing

More information about Match Grade can be found here.

MDP Code #

MDP stands for Match Data Profile. MDP codes are a series of seven, 2-digit codes used to define the source of the matched record within the D&B Match Reference File. The MDP provides specific detail for each of the first seven positions of the Match Grade and describes the type of D&B Reference Database record to which the input record matched. By interpreting the codes, users can learn how the records were matched: Current/Primary, Former, Additional, or Not Available. Knowing this information helps in reviewing the matches and cleaning them if needed. Learn more about MDP codes and what each of those 2-digit codes stand for here.

Confidence Code #

Confidence codes are used to help users evaluate the match results, and to create auto-acceptance rules. Highest/best matches are categorized as 10 and non-matches are categorized as 00.

Sequence Numbers #

Sequence numbers help users sort the matches for each of the input codes based on the likelihood of them being a match. A lower sequence number means the highest/best potential match (i.e. Sequence number = 1 indicates the best match).