Matchbook AI

Enterprise Security Overview

Matchbook Services allows you to handle all your data with complete security and consistency using the below user security roles and tags mechanism(s). You can control user access to specific groups or tags under a single or multiple lines of business (LOB).

User Roles: #

  • Enterprise Administrator – this role has permissions to manage all users, tags, data in the complete enterprise system
  • Line of Business Administrator – this role can manage all users and data for a specified LOB
  • Data Steward – this role can be sub-classified into two roles:
    • Enterprise Data Steward – can access one or multiple LOB data based on the source tags assignment
    • Line of Business Data Steward – can access records from a specified data steward

Typical Enterprise Security Model: #

With the above-classified roles/users:

  • Any complex enterprise data with multiple LOBs and groups can be easily managed and maintained with integrity and consistency
  • Security and access features can be added using tags for managing the data between multiple LOBs and data will not be shared with other LOB(s)
  • Data Stewards can be restricted to a single or multiple tags from a single or multiple LOBs
  • LOB Administrator can manage all users, LOB rules, and data division for a specified LOB
  • Enterprise Administrators have complete access to your Matchbook enterprise system